Dec 23, 2010

Laughing with Joy

Well, I made the 4-1/2 hr flight to my new home just fine. Here I'm showing my new dad how silly I can be and how happy I am to be in my furever home.

There Really IS a Santa Claus

He answered my wish and had the weather god's open the window for me to fly to my furever home. Just in time for Christmas. It was frustrating for my foster mom the past week trying to get me on a flight from Chicago to California, but here I am all ready to go.(don't cry mom, you gave me a wonderful home on my journey) I can't say thanks enough to everyone involved in saving me and getting me to this point in my life. I can say, I"ll be HOME for the Holidays! Thanks for the second chance. I'll never forget you all. Roo's and Wet Kisses! Rowdy. (my name is changing to Finnegan! how fun)

Snow fun

I enjoy playing in the snow and especially ruffhousing with Ali and Sienna.

Here I am just waiting for that perfect moment to pounce on Ali.

Dec 8, 2010

Home For The Holidays

Happy Holidays Everyone.

Mom calls me pip-squeak. I wonder why?

Ali and me in Daddy's chair

Having sweet dreams of my future.

Well, since the last posting, I have been adopted and will be heading to sunny California by the holidays. I sure will miss my foster sisters. We've gotten really close. And same with my mom and dad. I can't thank all of you enough and especially my name sake Rowdy that found me and made sure I was safe. Santa you made my wishes come true!